I Read 16 Business Books In 16 Days

i read 16 books in 16 days

I read 16 books in 16 days to get better in business. Why? Well I thought of all the greats:

Tai Lopez said on camera that he reads a book a day, and he actaully alter admited that he lied about the book a day, he read 3 books a day but to keep things more palatable to his audience he stated that he reads a book a day. 

Elon musk used to read 3 books a day when he was a kid growing up.  Now he is settings rockets to the moon, and tinkering with the human mind and turning humans into cyborgs with neura link. 

Patrick Bet David talks about how when he was in the military read hundreds of books. 

Jay Shetty says he reads a book a week and look at how amazing he is a his career of being a podcast host with over 2.3 million subscribers and over 195 million views in total! Some how some way it seems like he knows what to say after everytime someone says something on his podcast, it seems like he always knows what to say. 

So there has to be some kind of correlation in my mind…

It can’t be some sort of  mystery reading more books at the very least reminds you of old knowladge that needs to be dusted off, or even teaches you something completely new!

Regardless whatever reading was going to do for me, I need that power and I embarked on a journey to read 15 books in 15 days but towards the end it only felt right to read just one more. 

So yes: 16 books in 16 days.


Did i Falter on reading 16 books in 16 days?

No! Not for a single moment or a single day did I allow myself to just give up. The reason why I am so hard on myself is because if not me then who?

The reality is we live in a world now where weakness prevails. Love around the world we live in and think of people you can truly can honestly say you want to be like, now think of the amount of people who you want to be like in real life…Yep, I am telling you to compare your real life vs your virtual internet life and compare the quality of people you associate with online vs in person.

You will most likely notice that people in “real life” almost have no real success, they are jsut mediocore. I’ll say this without any pride whatsoever: “I AM THE MOST SUCCESSFULL PERSON I KNOW’.

I want to state thatI don’t say that with pride or arrogance. I have been through the ringer of failures and success and worked consistently for years.

Which brings me to my point, is typically in any other endeavor in life I never was really at the top 1% of my cohort. but in business i am – only through very intense hard work.

For me reading is very difficult, I have dislexia and sometimes in order to understand what I am reading I need t go back 4-5 times just to understand the meaning of the words that are on the page. But at the end of the day, I did what I said I would do, and i am here to share my mental plunder with you.


What Books I Read For 16 Days?

1.Rich Dad Poor Dad

2.Contagious – How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age”

3.Little red book of selling 12.5 principles of sales greatness

4.The Richest Man in Babylon

5.The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

6.Money – Master The Game by Tony Robbins

7.Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

8.The Art of War

9.Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

10.The Millionaire Fastlane By Dj DeMarco

11.How to Win Friends & Influence People & Tips To Get Better At Sales

12.Blue Ocean Strategy

13.The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing By Al Ries and Jack Trout

14.The Psychology of Money By Morgan Housel

15.The Wealthy Consultant – Confessions of a 9-Figure Advisor By Taylor A. Welch

16.The 33 Laws of Business and Life By Steven Bartlett

The Power of Business Books: My Journey to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I have always sought ways to improve myself and my chances of achieving success. One strategy that has greatly impacted my journey is reading business books. In this article, I want to share my personal thoughts on the concept of reading business books and how it has benefited me. While I understand the importance of caution and thoughtfulness in approaching any form of education, I firmly believe that reading business books can be a powerful tool for personal growth and future success.

  1. The Importance of Careful and Thoughtful Reading:
    In our fast-paced world, it is easy to skim through books or consume content without truly absorbing its essence. However, when it comes to business books, I have learned the significance of reading with care and thoughtfulness. Each book is a valuable resource of knowledge and experience that can shape our mindset and strategies. By dedicating time to reflect on the lessons within each chapter, we allow ourselves to internalize the wisdom and apply it to our own entrepreneurial journeys.
  2. Business Books and the Pathway to Success:
    Reading business books serves as a crucial stepping stone towards personal and professional growth. These books offer insights into successful tactics, real-life examples of triumphs and failures, and practical frameworks for decision-making. By immersing ourselves in the experiences of great entrepreneurs, we broaden our perspectives and gain a deeper understanding of business principles. Moreover, the knowledge acquired from these books equips us with the necessary tools to navigate the challenges we may face as entrepreneurs.
  3. The Wisdom of Peter Drucker:
    One of the most influential business thinkers of all time, Peter Drucker, once stated, “know thyself.” This ancient Greek aphorism holds a profound meaning in our pursuit of success. Only by being aware of our own deficiencies can we strive to improve ourselves. Business books offer unique insights into not only the strategies adopted by successful entrepreneurs but also their personal journeys and self-awareness. By uncovering our weaknesses and areas for improvement through reading, we can enhance our chances of success as future entrepreneurs.
  4. The Practical Power of “The Art of War”:
    “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu may seem an unlikely choice for an aspiring entrepreneur, but its principles are remarkably relevant. This ancient text focuses on strategy, leadership, and the importance of adaptability. By reading and analyzing this book, I gathered valuable insights not only on business warfare but also on fostering strong leadership skills and maintaining a competitive edge. Unexpected sources can often spark innovative ideas and business solutions, thus demonstrating the true power of diversifying our reading materials.
  5. Lessons from “The Richest Man in Babylon”:
    Business books also have the ability to guide our personal financial journeys as aspiring entrepreneurs. “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason may seem like a simple story, but its principles of wealth management are timeless. Through its fables, the book emphasizes the importance of saving, budgeting, and investing. By applying these lessons to our own financial lives, we can become more financially stable and equipped to build successful businesses.

Reading business books has played a crucial role in shaping my journey as an aspiring entrepreneur. From the careful and thoughtful reading process to the wisdom shared by influential thinkers like Peter Drucker, the insights gained have significantly impacted my personal and professional growth. Whether it be unconventional choices like reading ” or timeless financial advice from “The Richest Man in Babylon,” business books offer a diverse range of knowledge that can catalyze our journeys towards becoming successful entrepreneurs. So, let us embark on this reading journey, embracing the power of mentorship through the pages of books and nurturing our own growth along the way.


Will I Ever Do This Again?

Will I do this again? Yes and no.
While I gained invaluable insights and knowledge, this pace was unsustainable. However, I will continue to prioritize reading as a crucial part of my business growth.
If you’re looking for a catalyst to boost your business acumen, I encourage you to embark on your own reading odyssey. Remember, the correlation between reading and success is no mystery – it’s a proven formula.
Let me know if you’d like me to add anything else!

My Favorite Book

My favorite book that I read from these 16 was ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’ by George S. Clason. There’s something about the timeless wisdom and ancient parables that resonated deeply with me. The book’s emphasis on financial discipline, smart investing, and long-term thinking really struck a chord. I found myself highlighting passage after passage, and I’ve already started applying some of the principles to my own business and personal finances. If I had to recommend just one book from my 16-book journey, it would be this one – it’s a true classic that deserves a spot on every entrepreneur’s bookshelf!
I feel like the reason why Richest Man in Babylon is my favorite is just because it can really help the most people. Most people dont really know the basics to finance, personal money management,and wealth-building strategies.
This book provides a comprehensive and accessible guide to achieving financial freedom, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their financial literacy and secure their financial future. The principles outlined in the book are universal and timeless, making it a must-read for people from all walks of life, regardless of their financial background or goals. By applying the wisdom and insights shared in ‘The Richest Man in Babylon’, I believe anyone can transform their financial situation and build a brighter financial future for themselves and their loved ones.

Something Everyone Can Learn From “The Richest Man in Babylon”

One memorable moment from “The Richest Man in Babylon” that can help everyone with personal finance is the story of the “Seven Cures for a Lean Purse”.
In this parable, the main character, shares his wisdom on how to build wealth and overcome financial struggles. He advises:
“Pay yourself first” – Set aside 10% of your earnings as savings before spending on anything else.
“Live on less than you earn” – Avoid overspending and prioritize needs over wants.
“Make your money multiply” – Invest wisely to generate passive income.
“Guard your treasures from loss” – Diversify and protect your investments.
“Make of your dwelling a profitable investment” – Own a home and pay off the mortgage.
“Insure a future income” – Plan for retirement and unexpected expenses.
“Increase your ability to earn” – Continuously learn and develop new skills.
These seven cures offer timeless advice for managing personal finances, building wealth, and achieving financial stability. They can be applied by anyone, regardless of income level or financial goals, to improve their financial well-being.

Something I feel embarrassed to admit:

I recently invested a little bit of money in tesla stock when it hit 198 dollars. To me this was a mistake because the price of tesla as of date: April 19th 2024 and unfortunately the value is: $146.86. So of course I feel a bit stupid. But to be honest, I know for a fact the market live in cycles, and I made a simple mistake thats extremely costly…

If I had listened more to some of the diversification advice in the book “The Richest Man in Babylon” then maybe I would be over 50K down in portfolio value. but its okay. 

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